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Forex Trading News Indicator for MT4
Data from the ForexFactory weekly calendar is refreshed hourly to catch any mid-week calendar updates from FF.
Events can be filtered by impact, currency and category.
A table of current and upcoming events can be displayed in a choice of two widths and may be placed anywhere on the chart.
Vertical lines may be plotted on the chart to mark past events. Mouse over the lines to see details.
Audible alarms can be configured to use any WAV files in your MT4/sounds directory.
Indicator inputs
DisplayTable………………Turn on table display
TableTitle…………………Table heading. Multiple tables can be displayed on the same chart by giving each a different title
NarrowTable………………Narrow abbreviated display
TableShowClock………….Show local time clock
TableNumEvents………….Table size
TableLookAheadHrs………Time (hours) that future events are displayed
TableHorizAlign……………Horizontal table placement. Indent from left (pixels), or indent from right if negative, or centred if zero.
TableVertAlign…………….Vertical table placement. Indent from top (pixels),or from the bottom if negative.
TableSubWindow…………Chart subwindow to place table.
TableBackground…………Show table background.
DisplayVertLines………….Turn on vertical line display
VLineMaxPeriod…………..Maximum chart time period to show vertical lines e.g. set to 15 to show lines on timeframes M15 and lower.
VLineLookAheadMns……..Time (minutes) that future events are shown on the chart
IncludeLowImpact………..Low impact events
IncludeMediumImpact……Medium impact events
IncludeHighImpact……….High impact events
IncludeHolidays…………..Bank holidays
IncludeMeetings………….Meeting event category
IncludeSpeeches…………Speech event category
IncludeSymbolCurrencies..Forex pair base and quote currencies
CurrencyFilterList…………Currency list eg “USD,JPY,GBP,EUR” or “ALL”
SoundAlarms……………..Turn on audible alarms
Alarm1Wav……………….WAV file for alarm 1. eg “alert.wav”
Alarm1Mns………………..Time (minutes) before events that alarm is sounded
Alarm2Wav……………….WAV file for alarm 2. eg “alert2.wav”
Alarm2Mns………………..Time (minutes) before events that alarm is sounded
ColorBreaking…………….Error Messages and some other bits
ColorHigh…………………High impact
ColorMedium……………..Medium impact
ColorLow…………………Low impact
ColorHoliday……………..Bank Holidays
ColorDefault……………..Other stuff
ColorBack1……………….Background top
ColorBack2……………….Background bottom
UseDailyFXData…………..False = Forex Factory calendar data (recommended), True = DailyFX calendar data
DailyFXURL………………..Daily FX calendar URL
AutoProxyConfig………….True = Use windows registry settings for proxy (default). False = Use direct connection (no proxy).
DeleteCacheAtStart………Deletes the saved calendar and forces a refresh at startup. Set to False for normal operation.
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